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Does Your Insurance Cover Scaling & Root Planing?

August 25, 2020

Woman smiling in dental chair for gum disease treatment

While your teeth tend to get most of the spotlight, your gums are just as important. They support your teeth, holding them in place while contributing to the natural look and function of your smile. However, when your gums become infected after poor dental hygiene, they can become permanently damaged, eventually causing tooth loss. Thankfully, scaling and root planing can treat this problem and get you back to smiling. Read on to learn about this treatment and how your insurance can help make it easy on your pockets!

But First, What Exactly is Scaling & Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing, also known as a deep cleaning, is one of the most common gum disease treatment options. First, your dentist will carefully scale your gums, removing plaque and bacteria from on, above, and beneath the gumline. Once your mouth is clean, they will reach under your gums to smooth out your tooth roots, making it harder for plaque to collect in the future. This final step makes it harder for your gum disease to come back to affect your mouth.

Why is Gum Disease Treatment Important?

You may notice bleeding gums during your flossing or brushing routine, but you haven’t gone in for treatment yet. Gum disease will only get worse if it is left untreated, where slightly sore, red, or puffy gums can turn into permanent tissue damage. If the disease persists, you could even experience tooth loss and severe infection in other parts of the mouth. Additionally, research shows a connection between your gums and overall health. Gum disease can lead to increased risks of heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain cancers, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Will Your Insurance Cover Scaling & Root Planing?

When it comes to dental insurance, it will all depend on your specific coverage and case. However, your insurance will typically at least partially cover the scaling & root planing procedure. While you can expect the deep cleaning cost to be slightly higher than your regular dental checkups and cleanings, your insurance will usually cover a significant percentage of your treatment. Without insurance, scaling & root planing costs between $140 and $300 per quadrant in your smile. However, the problems that come with untreated gum disease like tooth loss are much more extensive and expensive, which is why you should always seek the help of a professional if you notice symptoms.

Now that you know more about gum disease and your insurance coverage, what are you waiting for? Contact your dentist to get the care you deserve at an affordable price.

About the Practice

At Westgate Dental Care, we have a team of 6 dentists who combine their experience and training to offer a wide range of dental services, including various gum disease treatment options. They proudly accept dental insurance for convenient and affordable dentistry. If you have any questions, they can be contacted through their website or by phone at (847) 577-7171.