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Summertime Is Perfect For Wisdom Teeth Extractions in Arlington Heights

July 11, 2019

Dentist holding an extracted tooth

It’s a safe bet to say that no one looks forward to having their wisdom teeth taken out, but one thing that can make it easier is scheduling it at the right time. Since high school and college students most commonly have the procedure done, it just makes sense for them to schedule it during their summer breaks when they don’t have the added stress of holidays or busy school schedules. If you or your child needs wisdom teeth extractions in Arlington Heights, keep reading below to learn more about the procedure and what you can expect from the recovery process! 

What is the Procedure Like? 

There are two main types of wisdom teeth extractions and the one you need will depend on how your wisdom teeth have come in:

  • Simple extractions: If the wisdom teeth have come in straight and can be fully seen above the gumline, the procedure is more straightforward. In these cases, a dentist will use special tools to loosen and remove the teeth without the need to make any incisions in the gum tissue. The teeth can also be removed in one piece, often without the need for stitches. 
  • Surgical extractions:Sometimes the wisdom teeth are impacted, meaning they’ve come in at a sideways or diagonal angle, and have typically only erupted partially through the gums. This is when a surgical extraction is necessary, which involves making incisions in the gums to access and remove the teeth. In some cases, the teeth need to be broken into smaller pieces and removed one piece at a time. 

A general dentist in Arlington Heights can perform simple extractions and some surgical extractions, but may refer you to an oral surgeon for particularly challenging cases. Also, it’s important to note that if you’re considering orthodontic treatment, you should have that done first before thinking about removing your wisdom teeth. 

What Can You Expect From the Recovery Process? 

The recovery process will differ depending on your age and general health, what type of extractions were done, and other factors. However, italwaystakes time, which is why a summer break is ideal for having the procedure done. Here are some of the most common aspects of the recovery process and aftercare instructions for wisdom teeth extractions:   

  • You can expect mild to moderate pain and swelling for several days. Your dentist will discuss pain medication and how to use it beforehand. 
  • Bleeding from the area is also normal, especially for the first day or two. For this, you’ll be given a supply of clean gauze to gently bite down and apply pressure to the area. 
  • You’ll need to eat soft foods or even a liquid diet for several days (lukewarm thin soup and broth, smoothies, etc.) and avoid hot or carbonated beverages.
  • You’ll also be asked not to smoke, spit, or use a straw while the area is healing. This helps minimize the chances of dry socket, a fairly uncommon but painful condition in which the blood clot is dislodged from the extraction site.
  • Your dentist will review detailed instructions for how to keep the area clean. Although this is very important for proper healing, it needs to be done very carefully. 

Healing and recovering after wisdom teeth extractions requires time and TLC, which is so much easier when there’s adequate time to rest and relax. That’s why so many patients who schedule over the summer break are relieved to start their school year with the procedure behind them! 

About the Author 

Dr. Peter Kics is a general and restorative dentist who received advanced training in oral surgery during his residency at the Westside VA Medical Center in Chicago. Having performed many wisdom teeth extractions over the years, he often recommends scheduling in the summertime to make the healing process as easy as possible. If you’d like to know more about wisdom teeth extractions in Arlington Heights or want to schedule a consultation, he can be reached via his website.