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7 Tips for a Healthy New Year from Your Dentist in Arlington Heights

January 20, 2019

Woman smiling pointing at her teeth

Some healthy resolutions for the new year can be hard to achieve, but if you’ve been wanting a healthier looking and feeling smile, improving your oral health can be simple. A great looking and feeling grin will not only keep you healthy overall, but it will give you the confidence to flash your pearly whites in the new year. Thankfully, your dentist in Arlington Heights has 7 easy yet effective ways to keep your mouth healthy in 2019.

#1. Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is good for your body, but it can work wonders on your oral health. Cutting out or at least decreasing the amount of sweets and treats you eat will make your teeth less susceptible to cavities and tooth decay. Low-fat dairy and certain veggies like kale and spinach are rich in calcium, which can strengthen your tooth enamel.

#2. Drink Water

Drinking water instead of soda and wine will not only prevent your teeth from staining, but it will protect your teeth from cavities. Water naturally washes away plaque and food debris that cause dental issues like decay and gum disease. Plus, most tap water contains fluoride, which is a natural cavity-fighting mineral.

#3: Brush and Floss Routinely

A good oral healthcare routine is vital. This is your best way to protect your teeth from day-to-day plaque. Brush twice a day, for 2 minutes each session. Be sure to brush your gumline and tongue to get rid of bacteria. You should also floss once a day to clean plaque and food debris from in between your teeth.

#4: See Your Dentist Regularly

Part of your oral health routine should be seeing your dentist for twice-a-year appointments. These checkups and cleanings make sure you’ve been taking care of your teeth in between visits, but they also prevent and detect any dental issues that can occur. Some problems can’t be seen or felt, and even with the best routine, it is important to see a professional.

#5. Use a Straw

If you must indulge in a sweet or sugary drink, use a straw. This simple trick can keep the liquid from coating all of your pearly whites to protect them from sugar and acid that eat away at enamel.

#6. Stop Smoking or Using Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco products cause decay and gum disease, which can also increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s.

#7. If Something Goes Wrong, See Your Dentist

If you chip, crack, or fracture a tooth, see the best dentist near you right away. Problems like these or a simple pain in your mouth should be taken seriously. Waiting to see your dentist for your bi-annual appointments could put you at risk for more severe dental issues.

Are you ready to take on the new year? Use these tips from your dentist to keep your teeth and gums healthy and happy.

About the Practice

At Westgate Dental Care, we have a team of 5 dentists who have a passion for providing high-quality dentistry. They believe in patient education, which is why they want you to know some of the best ways to care for your smile. For any questions, they can be reached through their website or by phone at (847) 577-7171.