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Dental Sealants – A Great Way To Protect Your Teeth

June 21, 2018

There’s no substitute for having good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing regularly are the cornerstones of any decent oral care regimen, but even they might not always be enough to prevent cavities from occurring. That’s because our teeth have irregular shapes, with plenty of nooks and crannies where harmful bacteria can lay low until it eats into our enamel. A good way to help your teeth remain healthy no matter what is by opting for dental sealants. Dental Sealants are thin coatings that adhere to the surface of the teeth, preventing cavities from forming in their crevices.

Since this procedure often involves having multiple teeth sealed, we here at Westgate Dental Care have decided to offer 1 free sealant for every 3 purchased ones. This means you’ll be able to get 4 teeth covered for the price of 3. This offer runs from June 18th through August 31st and has no other stipulations. Both existing customers and new ones can benefit from it. But before you decide to opt for this procedure, it’s useful to take a step back and learn just what dental sealants are and what the ultimate purpose of using them is.

Dental Sealants – Types and Purpose

Just like their name suggests, sealants are meant to cover up a tooth’s chewing surface in order to ‘seal’ it from food and bacteria. This is achieved by placing a thin, plastic-like material that adheres cleanly to your tooth and doesn’t require any extra maintenance afterwards. If properly applied, dental sealants can last for many years before needing to be replaced. Children in particular benefit a lot from sealants, as they can protect their fragile teeth from acids and bacteria resulting from a fruit- and sweet-heavy diet.

There are several types of sealants that are commonly-used by dentists, including:

  • Glass Ionomer – characterized by low thermal expansion and high fluoride release.
  • Composite Resin – known for its higher tensile strength and low susceptibility to desiccation.
  • Combination Materials – including resin-modified glass and polyacid-modified resins.

When first coming to our office, feel free to express a desire for any particular sealing method, or discuss potential options with our in-house dental expert.

The Application Process

Applying dental sealant is a quick and painless process. The patient’s teeth are first cleaned and polished, after which every tooth that’s set to receive a sealant will be isolated and dried. Then, an acidic gel will be placed to ensure adherence for the sealant, followed quickly by the sealant itself. The final step lies in using a special blue light to harden and bond the sealant to the selected tooth. Molars in particular are good candidates for sealing, as research shows that sealants reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in these teeth.

Any time is the right time for receiving dental sealants. Children get them most often as they are generally more susceptible to forming cavities, but adults are excellent candidates for the procedure as well. A variation of the dental sealant procedure called direct bonding is especially appealing for adults, as it can also close gaps between teeth and result in a natural-looking smile that’s less prone to decay and beautiful to behold at the same time.

For all these reasons and more, it’s time to take advantage of our special “Buy 3, get 1 free” offer that runs from June 18th to August 31st and is open to every patient regardless of age or pre-existing conditions. Be sure to visit our website for more info or book an appointment at (847) 754 4480 today.