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Cosmetic Dentist in Can Predict a Child’s Success in Marriage

September 16, 2017

young child smiling happy What if you could look at your child’s smile and predict whether their future marriage would be successful or a total failure. Sounds like some psychic mumbo-jumbo, right?

Actually, research conducted at DePauw University found that according to scientists it is possible to predict whose marriages will fail by looking at photographs taken decades earlier. But how? Your cosmetic dentist in Arlington Heights is prepared to dive into how powerful our smiles truly are.

A Deep Dive into DePauw’s Study

“Those with the brightest smiles are more than three times as likely to have a strong marriage than those who frown their way through family outings as a child or teenager. Even snaps taken at the age of five yield clues about the path a person’s life will take.”

This just goes to show patients the true power of intense, natural smiles. The study found that the more genuine, intense smiles that required all of our facial muscles (including the muscles that create crow’s feet near our eyes) linked those people proved to have happier, longer-lasting, successful marriages.

The study continues, “to make the link, researchers asked almost 650 adults for pictures taken during their final year of school and rated the brightness of their smiles. The men and women ranged in age between 21 and 87, meaning some of the snaps were 70 years old. The scientists, from DePauw University in Indiana, then asked the volunteers if they had ever been divorced — and matched their answers with the data on their smiles. Those with the weakest smiles were more than three times as likely to have been through a divorce than those who beamed their way through their teenage years.”

The Bottom Line: Smiling Portrays Happiness and Attracts Happy People

A beautiful smile holds power! When your smile looks its absolute best, you feel so much better about yourself, your job, and even your relationships. It sounds crazy, but nearly two in five Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone just based on a crooked smile.

Smiling people not only leave better first impressions, but they attract happier people and the combination may lead to a greater likelihood of a long-lasting marriage.

Your Dentist May Just Help You Attract Your Soul Mate!

If you grew up not being so proud of your teeth and gums, that could potentially affect how people around you perceive your attitude—even so much making you less attractive to date. Why not consider boosting your confidence and your moral with cosmetic dentistry?

Your dentist can help by offering a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to help you achieve a smile that will get double-takes as you walk down the street. If you would like to find out more information about cosmetic procedures like dental veneers, Invisalign, or professional teeth whitening, reach out to your local dentist.

About Westgate Dental Care

Westgate Dental Care welcomes patients of all ages to get the dental care they deserve. After all, your smile matters even as an adolescent! If you would like to help your child straighten their teeth so they can smile in confidence or even get your teeth whitened so your teeth can sparkle, reach out to our Arlington Heights office.