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3 Reasons to Avoid DIY Replacement Teeth

June 2, 2023

a small partial denture

Every day, it seems as if new trends are popping up all over social media, making it harder for dental professionals to protect patients from damaging their smiles. The latest one that is causing a stir is the notion of DIY replacement teeth. Because many individuals believe dental care is a luxury and is unattainable to some, they are turning to other solutions to repair and replace missing or damaged teeth. Before you attempt to do the same, here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t try DIY replacement teeth and instead, leave it to the professionals. 

You’ll Spend More Money

While you might think you are saving money in the long run by choosing a DIY solution, the truth is that you’re likely to spend more. Non-professional products are not likely to last as long as dental crowns, dental implants, and even partial dentures that you receive at your dentist’s office.

This is because the materials used in various DIY solutions are not dental-grade, so they are unlikely to stand up to daily wear and tear. As a result, you’ll find that your smile requires repair much sooner, leaving you out more money down the road.

Your Tooth is Likely to Look Fake

If you opt to use a moldable material that is supposed to take the shape of whatever object you’re looking to create, you may want to rethink this potential solution, especially if you’re not an artist.

Dentists and those who work in dental labs often have a level of artistic skill that allows them to craft and fabricate custom-made restorations. Whether it is a crown, inlay, onlay, bridge, or denture, these require time, talent, and close attention to detail.

Using a DIY option to try and create your own crown will only end up producing a restoration that looks highly unnatural, making it obvious to others that it’s not your natural tooth.

You May Cause More Damage

Say you’re missing a tooth, and you turn to a DIY solution to repair and rebuild your smile. You purchase moldable beads to create your own tooth replacement but over time, you notice that it doesn’t fit well, and your facial appearance begins to change.

You also discover that your nearby, healthy teeth are becoming looser. The reason for these issues may be that bacteria are building underneath your DIY prosthetic, leaving you with serious oral health problems.

Without proper treatment, you may be faced with advancing gum disease or bone and tooth loss.

Instead of trying to save a few dollars and take care of your oral health on your own, let the professionals do what they do best – treat your smile. By placing your teeth in their hands, you’ll walk away with a more beautiful, longer-lasting solution.

About the Practice
Westgate Dental Care consists of a team of professionals who want you to feel confident and comfortable seeking high-quality, affordable dental care in our office. We know there are many dental trends you can fall victim to these days, which is why we’re here to make sure you take the correct steps in allowing us to take proper care of your smile. Contact us via our website or by calling (847) 577-7171 to learn more.