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Sedation Dentist In Arlington Heights Discusses 4 Ways To Alleviate Fear!

April 3, 2019

Woman at the dentist covering her mouth in fear

Dental fear and phobia can be paralyzing and wind up preventing you from having the healthy smile you deserve. Although it can feel like you’re the only one in the world who experiences such intense anxiety around dental work, it’s actually quite common. Fortunately, a sedation dentist in Arlington Heights has 4 tips that will make it much easier to care for your dental health. Learn more below and get one step closer to conquering your fears!

1. Manage Stress With Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can work wonders. Start by slowly breathing in for a count of 3 and out for a count of 5 during your procedures. This is a great distraction and also signals your nervous system to relax.

Many people also say that consistent meditation, yoga, and exercise are helpful as well.

2. Communicate Your Fears

By talking to a dentist about your fears, you’ll feel heard and understood. This alone can reduce your anxiety, so be sure to choose a dentist with a calm, friendly demeanor who spends time listening to your concerns.

And remember, dentists receive special training that allows them to work with fearful patients and make them comfortable. They want to make your experience a positive one.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Requests

Some dental offices provide resources to make your visits comfortable and relaxing. Noise-canceling headphones, heated massage chairs, warm towels, and pillows are just a few examples.

Your comfort comes first, so don’t be afraid to ask a dentist in
Arlington Heights if these things are available!

4. Choose a Dentist Who Offers Sedation Options

Here are two great options to manage dental phobia:

  • Oral
    – This prescription medication is taken prior to your visit and
    will make you feel very calm and relaxed, so you’ll need someone drive you to
    and from your appointment. Although you’ll be fully awake and aware, you may
    also have a mild amnesia effect afterward so you won’t remember much of your
  • Nitrous
    – Also called “laughing gas”, you’ll
    breathe this odorless gas through a comfortable nosepiece during your
    treatment. You’ll still feel very relaxed during your visit, but the effects
    will wear off within minutes so you can drive yourself home.

A healthy smile is a must-have for your overall quality of life. With these 4 tips, you can go to the dentist to maintain your oral health – without fear or anxiety!

About the Author

Dr. Aurora Hart is a general and sedation dentist in Arlington Heights who is known for her gentle and compassionate chairside manner. She wants to help every patient get the dental care they need and gets immense professional satisfaction by making visits positive for fearful patients. If you suffer from dental phobia and have any questions, she can be reached via her website.