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The Magic of Restorative Dentistry

August 29, 2018

Being bombarded by different kinds of food and drink every day, it’s normal for teeth to develop occasional problems over time. From cavities to fallen teeth, there are a plethora of situations in which restorative dentistry is required in order to repair the damage that has occurred and bring back that perfect smile. With that in mind, the team at Westgate Dental Care is filled with professionals who are more than capable of addressing any issue that arises. Their field of competence extends to such procedures as:

1. Tooth-Colored Fillings

Most of the time, when cavities appear they can be quickly treated via tooth-colored fillings. Unlike traditional methods which relied on visually-unappealing metals that also have a tendency to expand and negatively impact tooth structure, modern-day materials are just as strong and can be successfully implemented without affecting the natural look of your teeth. Moreover, they are affordable and can usually be applied within a single session, virtually guaranteeing that you’ll be walking out of the cabinet with a fresh smile on your face.

2. Crowns & Bridges

Fillings are not an option when teeth have suffered extensive damage. In order to maintain their structural integrity, crowns and bridges may be used to shield the damaged teeth. Both come in a wide variety of materials and can be tailored to fit any mouth. In fact, crowns and bridges are always customized on an individual basis, which is why they typically require two visits at the minimum.

3. Root Canal Therapy

In situations where decay has reached the innermost layer of a tooth, it’s likely that root canal therapy will be necessary to avoid resorting to an extraction. Luckily, root canal interventions can be done in such a way that the patient experiences minimal discomfort. The end result is a tooth that’s free of damaged pulp and nerve tissue and can then be successfully sealed to prevent further damage.

4. Extractions

In some instances, teeth are damaged beyond repair and will need to be extracted. When that happens, great care is taken to ensure that the patient enjoys optimum levels of comfort during the extraction. Some cases where extraction becomes necessary include having decayed or damaged teeth that are beyond repair, wisdom teeth which are deemed too troublesome to keep and teeth that need to be removed in preparation for orthodontic treatment.

5. Partial or Complete Dentures

People who are missing one or more teeth typically qualify for the insertion of dentures. These are custom crafted to match the size and shape of the patient’s other teeth and come with a gum-colored base support for easy insertion. If properly taken care of, dentures are long-lasting and can fulfill all the functions associated with regular teeth, thereby ensuring that your smile won’t have to suffer even if you don’t get to keep all your pearly whites intact.

As you can see, there are a lot of procedures that fall under the umbrella of restorative dentistry. Be sure to consult a reputable dentist in order to see which would be best for your particular condition. For more information, please visit the Westgate Dental Care website and book an appointment today.