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Use It or Lose It with Your Family Dentist in Arlington Heights!

October 11, 2017

dental insuranceAs 2017 is beginning to wrap up, it’s now time to use it or lose it! “Use or lose what?” you’re probably asking…your dental insurance benefits! Many dental insurance plans have annual maximums, and if you haven’t met yours yet, that unused money will not roll over to 2018, so now is the best time to schedule an appointment with your family dentist in Arlington Heights so you can save!

See Us Now and Save

So right now, you’re probably thinking, “What is the rush? I’ll still have my dental insurance next year, right?” While this is true, what many people do not know is that dental insurance benefits actually do not carry over from year to year.

Most dental insurance plans have annual maximums, and this is the absolute highest dollar amount of care a plan will cover within the calendar year. On average, this amount is about $1,000 per person, per year. This is enough money to cover two standard preventive checkups and any restorative care that might be needed.

The thing is, that amount resets every year on January 1st. If your plan has only covered you for $500 this year, for example, that means you have $500 left. Once January 1st rolls around, you won’t have access to that leftover $500 anymore. It will simply be gone, and you’ll have to meet your deductible again before having access to your benefits.

Where does this extra money go? Right back to the insurance company! “Why doesn’t my provider tell me about this?” Because they make way more money if you don’t use all of your benefits. Every year, Americans actually lose about 100 BILLION dollars in unused dental benefits. This is actually how dental insurance companies make most of their money!

If you have only had one checkup and cleaning so far this year, we guarantee that your plan will cover you for a second one. Have a cavity or broken tooth that needs to be repaired? You likely still have money with your plan to cover that, too. The point is, you pay for your benefits, so you should use them to get the absolute best dental care that you can in order to achieve and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Plus, given that the holiday season is fast approaching, it’s best to take care of a dental problem now before you have to worry about buying gifts, making travel plans, and dealing with all of the other holiday stresses.

And One More Thing…

Because Westgate Dental Care is dedicated to being the best dentist in Arlington Heights when it comes to helping you save on your dental care, we’re also happy to offer a 10% discount* if you schedule any new treatment before the beginning of 2018. This will be on top of your insurance benefits, so in the end, you could save a tremendous amount of money on your dental care simply by coming to see us in the next few months. It’s just that simple!

If you have any questions about how you can maximize your insurance benefits with us, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment and instantly save 10%*, please contact us today.

*Restrictions may apply. Please contact us for details.