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Should You Be Worried about Popping or Clicking in Your Jaw?

September 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 1:30 am
Woman with hands on her TMJ, wearing concerned expression

Have you noticed lately that your jaw seems to pop and click when you open and close your mouth? Perhaps you have tried to ignore the issue, but you may wonder if something is wrong with your jaw joint (also called the TMJ). Should you be worried about popping or clicking in your jaw? Well, maybe. This blog post explains what the sound might mean and what you should do.


Can TMJ Disorder Affect Your Speech?

September 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 1:27 am
Two professional women engaged in conversation

Whether you are chatting with family members or making presentations in the workplace, your speech is important! Unfortunately, millions of people struggle with a condition that can negatively impact their ability to communicate: TMJ disorder. Just how exactly can TMJ disorder affect your speech? This blog post provides an explanation, and it gives tips on what you can do to reclaim your ability to speak clearly.
