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New to Dentures? Here’s What You Can and Can’t Eat

July 20, 2023

man smiling after getting dentures

Dentures are an excellent solution for people seeking to restore their smile and regain oral functionality. However, it’s important to note that while dentures offer aesthetic benefits, they may not provide the same chewing power as natural teeth. As such, you may need to follow certain dietary restrictions to ensure the longevity and functionality of your new prosthetics. In this blog post, you will learn which foods to avoid when wearing dentures and what you should opt for instead.

Which Foods Should You Avoid with Dentures?

Let’s start by talking about some food options that can be tricky for denture wearers, and we’ll also suggest alternatives that are easier to handle.

  • Chewy Meats – Foods like steak can be difficult to eat with dentures. But if you still want to enjoy meat, try cooking it until it’s tender and cutting it into smaller, more manageable pieces. This way, you can chew and digest it more easily, making your meal more enjoyable.
  • Nuts, Seeds, and Popcorn – It’s best to avoid these because they can get stuck under your dentures. The same goes for foods with small seeds, like poppy seed bagels. Instead, choose alternatives like pitted olives and seedless berries. These options give you similar flavors and textures without the risk of discomfort or inconvenience.
  • Sticky Foods – Peanut butter and caramel can cause your dentures to shift or become loose. To avoid this, it’s recommended to go for softer treats like ice cream and custard. You can still enjoy these delicious treats without compromising the stability and fit of your dentures.

By making smart choices about the foods you eat, you can have a varied and satisfying diet even with dentures. It’s important to adapt your eating habits to accommodate the needs of your new smile so that you can eat comfortably and enjoy your meals.

Which Foods Are Great for Dentures?

Luckily, there are many foods that can form the foundation of a satisfying meal! Some of those include:

  • Eggs – These are a great choice because they can be prepared in different ways, such as scrambled, fried, or baked into a frittata. They are also soft enough to be comfortably eaten with dentures. Eggs are not only versatile but also packed with nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.
  • Steamed Foods – You can combine steamed vegetables with mashed potatoes and softer meats to create a delicious and fulfilling meal. Additionally, liquid foods like purees, soups, and porridges can be flavorful and nutritious when prepared properly.

About the Practice

Our team at Westgate Dental Care will always go above and beyond to provide patients with the best dental care possible. We’re dedicated to improving your overall quality of life with our services, like dentures to replace missing teeth and restore a fully functioning smile. If you’d like to learn more, visit our website or give us a call at (847) 577-7171 to schedule an appointment today!