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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard? Here’s How You Can Tell

October 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 7:01 pm
Patient looking at frayed toothbrush

Do you go into autopilot the moment you pick up your toothbrush? Sadly, this can result in unhealthy habits, like applying too much pressure. Since this can lead to everything from sensitive teeth to receding gums, it’s crucial that you aren’t brushing your teeth too hard. Keep reading to learn the #1 sign that you are as well as the proper technique.


An Inside Look at the Importance of Gum Health

October 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 9:27 pm
Smiling woman showing her healthy gums

When it comes to oral health, teeth often steal the spotlight. So, it’s not surprising that many patients think brushing is all that’s needed to keep their smile happy and healthy! In reality, that’s not the case. In fact, roughly 50% of Americans struggle with some form of gum disease. As a result, there’s no time like the present to implement some new best practices designed to prioritize your gum health. Read on to learn a few!


4 Ways Visiting Your Dentist Saves You Money

October 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 9:02 pm
Man smiling in dentist's treatment chair during checkup

If the holidays being just around the corner has left you feeling a little pinch in your wallet, you’re not alone. However, the answer is not to cancel your upcoming dental appointment. In fact, visiting your dentist routinely can actually save you money in the short and long term! To learn how, keep reading.


Here’s How Desensitizing Toothpastes Work

October 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 8:37 pm
Woman applying desensitizing toothpaste to toothbrush

Do you struggle with sensitive teeth that make it difficult to enjoy things like warm coffee or ice cream without wincing? Then your friends and family may have recommended desensitizing toothpaste! As the name suggests, it’s designed specifically for patients who are struggling with sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks. But how does it work? And when do you know it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist? Keep reading to find out!
