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Got Your Tax Refund? Invest in Your Oral Health!

April 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 3:51 pm
Woman smiling while pointing to her teeth

April 15th is official Tax Day, but if you’re like many, you’ve probably already filed and received your return. This extra chunk of change often seems like a surprising influx, which can cause many people to go big and buy an item, ticket, or experience they don’t really need. However, investing in your smile is money well spent. In fact, using your tax return to improve your grin will benefit your health AND finances. But how? Read on to learn the answer!


Don’t Let COVID Get In The Way of Oral Health

April 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorizedtntadmin @ 6:29 pm

Good oral hygiene may start with twice yearly trips to the dentist for teeth cleanings, but it’s how people care for their teeth and gums at home that can make all the difference.

If you’re looking to make your oral health a priority, start by scheduling an appointment with your dentist to make sure you are cavity-free and catch any signs of periodontal disease as early as possible. Then, make sure you follow through with dental care at home.


Westgate Dental Care takes proactive approach in screening patients for oral cancer

April 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorizeddrkics @ 12:32 pm
Abby Neitz, a dental hygienist at Westgate Dental Care in Arlington Heights, says, “Oral cancer is becoming more prevalent today across ages. It’s important to be aware of it and take a proactive approach to screening for it.”

About 54,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer in the United States every year. As with many other types of cancer, early detection and treatment are key to effectively managing the disease and improving treatment outcomes.

Throughout the year, and especially during Oral Cancer Awareness Month in April, individuals need to pay attention to any signs or symptoms of oral cancer and seek care if they notice anything out of the ordinary. Individuals can partner with their dentist to monitor signs of oral cancer and take charge of their health.
